Minggu, September 11, 2011

The Stuff

I had ever hear about the quote -the boy says "you're pretty even thought without this stuff" -- yeah such a cool quote but although it's pretty true, almost of it just bullshit... Why I said that...

you know boys sometime just be an immature person for judging...

I know, I realize that me and every-girl in this word just born to be pretty even without that stuff but someway they make us feel prettier and confident ... yahhh... don't be bullshit person please, you know, when I go out without it, someboy even stare at me *oh hollaaaa.... then after I use them all, they're not only stare, they look at me like a starving dog look a bunch of meat.. hanging out the tongue (I'm not sexy at negative side, me, even use veil when hanging out) *harsh huh? that's the fact.... do you feel you're holly... huh...

then, after we use them, are we bitch? no at all.... are we that cheap? no at all......

why being like this can be wrong, I feel better at all, I feel fresher than before, and I feel fine... So. the judging eyes, stop stares me,m I love being myself.....

Girls always love being themselves with or without this stuff all.....
I never like with the boys who like judging, immature, and always expect every-girl as sweet as their mind... that so small brain for boys... how could you guys be a man later if you just fun to be boyish, such a childish thing you know.....

-Harsh huh, so hard to keep the fuck up, I hate to see much much of this kind of boys... the little stupid judge- and this stuff just little example... I dont have to tell the other example one by one right? it just clear enough... we have sooo little number of 'man' here -_-"

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